Hi, I'm Adrian Pike.
I'm a software engineer, founder, and engineering manager based out of Port Townsend, Washington and Salt Lake City, Utah. I cofounded Stride (Acquired in 2013), and currently work at Okta. I've worked with Moz, Navigating Cancer, and a handful of other startups in different stages of their growth.
When I'm not growing and coaching software teams, writing code, or hacking on hardware, you can usually find me racing old cars and old sailboats, breaking them, and then fixing them back up to ensure the cycle isn't broken. I also take photos of things like race cars, people, and dogs once in a while.
If you're wanting to dig a little deeper, I keep a public README available.
If you want to chat, connect with me on any of these services, or email me at adrian@adrianpike.com.
This simple little site is open source and available on Github at http://github.com/adrianpike/adrianpike.com
I always appreciate issue reports and PR's. Thanks for visiting!